Sunday, July 01, 2007

4 months old...

Gavin is 4 months old now. He just had his check up and shots. Baby Bear is getting so big. He weighs 19.5 pounds. 26 3/4 inches.. For his weight he is off the colored graph. So, he is considered over 100 percentile. CRAZY boy!!!! He wants to be able to hold his own bottle. He really tries hard to. But kinda gets excited and lets go.


Nick, Megan, Chelsea and Tenlee said...

WHAT a cutie!! I can't believe how big he's getting so fast! :)

Jeff, Allison & Ryan said...

What a cutie! I just checked out your page for the first time in a little while and can't believe how big your little guy has gotten! I had to check Ryan's baby book to compare to Gavin's 4mon. check up. Ryan was 18lbs. 14oz. and exactly one inch shorter... that's okay, we love big, healthy baby boys! Looks like you guys are doing well and had a fun 4th of July! :) Allison