Saturday, April 19, 2008

The trials of life...

"Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you."
~ Aldous Huxley

These last few months to say the least have had their ups and downs. Becoming a parent comes with lots of worrying and nail biting. Gavin appears to get hives when he catches those lovely viruses. He has now had more then a few break outs. They do not seem to bother him much, maybe a little itchy. The other problem is when he gets upset or stresses his body (teething) he gets them and they are pretty big and blotchy. We had a few weeks of doctor appointment to urgent care then back to the doctor. Several rounds. Well we finally thought we crossed the bridge of illness for the season. Wrong! I woke up this morning to hives. Poor kido. He has a runny nose and I am pretty sure he is about to get some of those stubborn teeth. Around 11:45 I was getting some lunch for Gavin and Zayne we were at Nana and Papa's house. As I was in the pantry Gavin comes running up. He tripped and flew in to a roaster that was under the shelf. He hit just above his left eye on the lip of the pan. It wasn't sharp just a hard hit. It split his head open. Blood was everywhere. To date I think this was the scariest moment of my life. I have never felt so powerless. Blood was literally all over running in to his eyes, hair and neck. Nana and eye jumped in the car and rushed to the Emergency Room. I could tell this was a deep cut. You could actually see down a couple of layers of flesh. By the top we got to the hospital Gavin had calmed down and the bleeding had stopped a little. So, in speaking with the doctor we decided to do steri-strips and glue versus stiches. We decided it would be less tramtic with the same results if Gavin could not pick his bandage off. On top of all of this his hives became the size of a nickel. The doctor said Benedryl or IBprofin. Alrighty time to go home. Everytime Gavin fell or bumped in to something my stomach dropped. He is just one of those kids who loves to live life on the edge and loves to push his luck. We are so in for it.

There have been other things to come up and we have just dealt. My family is healthy and happy and that means the most.
Any how just an update and a way for me to vent.

Love Jax

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