Friday, November 14, 2008

Gavin's Surgery

Thank you to all of you who thought about Gavin today. His surgery went very well. He was even up running around sooner then we anticipated. He has a little stiffness in his legs but that is pretty expected since they gave him an injection in his lower spine. Kind of like an epidural but it is called something else. Then he was under full anesthesia. We opted not to have him sedated on his way to get the gas. That was when I broke down. He was crying so hard when the anesthesiologist took him away. I felt like the worst mom in the world.


Nick, Megan, Chelsea and Tenlee said...

I hope he is doing well...I'm not sure what all he is going through but I'm definitely thinking of him!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie,
I just read that Gavin had surgery...Hope everything is okay.