Thursday, January 24, 2008

Gavin's first hives...

This has been a very stressful week. Last Thursday Gavin developed Bronchiolitis(?). Thank you Auntie Cheryl for thinking it was more then just a cold. Love having a nurse in the family. The doctor said this could develop or be from RSV. Of course when I heard RSV my mind started spinning. Most kids are admitted to the hospital. The doctor said if he didn't keep fluids down (he was throwing up) and if the chest noise didn't clear up then he would have to be admitted. They put him on albutirol treatments. So, the next day we went to the doctor again it was still the same. By Saturday it was a little better. He was keeping the pedialyte down and seemed to be the typical happy boy he usually is. Yeah, we were in the clear. Oh yeah, he also had an ear infection. Ok, so as the week went on I thought things are going great, until today. He stayed and Nana & Papa's. I had to be in Friday Harbor early. So, I got a call from Nana, Gavin started throwing up. Then by the time I got to Friday Harbor he started developing hives. I was a mess at this point. The next ferry out was 12:40. So, I caught the ferry and when I saw Gavin I almost cried. The hives looked terrible. At 12:30 Nana had taken him to the doctor and they said he is allergic to Amoxicillan (pretty sure). Since his ear infection was gone they decided he didn't need it anymore anyways. So, I thought I would share some pictures of his hives. These pictures really don't show just how red they are. This is also after Benedryl. These pictures are of a couple spots but he pretty much looks like a spotted kid.


Nick, Megan, Chelsea and Tenlee said...

Poor little guy!!!! I hope he's doing better.

Amy said...

Hi! I googled "RSV, hives & ear infection" & came across your blog. Looks like Gavin went thru the same thing our 14mo is going thru right now. Waht was the outcome with Gavin? Anything that you learned that would be important to know? Our son was on a course of antibiotics for ear infection & this may be the reason for the hives but we're not sure. Any advise?